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My friend, Merton’s censor 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Author Mitch Albom, of Tuesdays with Morrie fame, wrote another book about conversations (Have a Little Faith) in which a rabbi tells him, “Nothing haunts us…

Are we truly serving as the hands of Jesus? 0

By Jean Welch Hill– “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this…

John Dunne, Thomas More, and Reflections on Acceptance 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– As I noted in a previous posting, because I could not attend the celebration of the 35th anniversary of my graduation from the University of Notre…

A reunion with myself 1

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– A mere 35 years ago I graduated from college. I could not attend my class reunion recently at the wonderful University of Notre Dame, and so…

About that Desert Island. . . . 0

By Gary Topping– “What one book would you want to have with you if you were stranded on a desert island”? I wince every time I hear that question.  It…

Altar, boy, daydreams 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– I recently saw a photo of the current seniors from my alma mater, St. Joseph’s High School. They were posing right after graduation, just as did…

“We Meet Needs”: The Gypsy Sisters 0

By Gary Topping– Of all the religious orders who have ministered in the Diocese of Salt Lake City, the Holy Cross Sisters have been by far the most numerous.  Although…

A Single Act of Irish Mercy in Utah 1

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– During the early 1900s, my great aunt devoted her life to helping the “poor, sick and ignorant” in Burlington, Vermont. She was part of the Sisters…

Getting an Education the Hard Way 0

By Gary Topping– It’s a familiar story: a kid from a poor family frugally gathers funds from baby sitting, grocery bagging, and such odd jobs to pay for her first…

Some pretty impressive XXs 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Many years ago, my high school biology teacher told us the scientific explanation for physical gender differences- women have XX chromosomes and men have XY chromosones.…