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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

“We Meet Needs”: The Gypsy Sisters 0

By Gary Topping– Of all the religious orders who have ministered in the Diocese of Salt Lake City, the Holy Cross Sisters have been by far the most numerous.  Although…

A Single Act of Irish Mercy in Utah 1

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– During the early 1900s, my great aunt devoted her life to helping the “poor, sick and ignorant” in Burlington, Vermont. She was part of the Sisters…

Getting an Education the Hard Way 0

By Gary Topping– It’s a familiar story: a kid from a poor family frugally gathers funds from baby sitting, grocery bagging, and such odd jobs to pay for her first…

Some pretty impressive XXs 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Many years ago, my high school biology teacher told us the scientific explanation for physical gender differences- women have XX chromosomes and men have XY chromosones.…

What Would Gandhi Do? 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– While cable channel surfing the other day, I stumbled again upon one of my favorite movies from 1982. It is a wonderful movie about a fellow…

Oh, to be So Bold! 0

By Larry Fraher (Guest Contributor)– It was a sunny day in Prescott, Arizona.  My dad, in his 6’7” frame, with 6 of his 8 children trailing him over the boulder…

Conversations about Muslims 0

By Jean Welch Hill– In recent weeks, I have found myself engaged in conversations about Muslims.  Sadly, all of these conversations have revolved around fear of Muslim people in general…

An Invitation to Latin 0

By Gary Topping– So the story goes like this: an over-zealous student of Latin gets the idea that since Latin is the root of all the Romance languages, one ought…