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Bishop Hunt Goes to War 0

(Note from Gary Topping: The Boy Monk has a very special guest blogger this week: Bishop Duane G. Hunt, who led the Roman Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City from 1937 to 1960.  Perhaps the greatest responsibility that fell upon his shoulders was leading the diocese through the Gethsemane of World War II.  As we remember the anniversary of our country’s entry into that horror, we revisit Bishop Hunt’s pastoral admonition at the time.  His words are nothing short of Lincolnesque.)

December 9, 1941

My Dear People:-

The tragic war in which we are now engaged presents to us the occasion to take stock of our duties and our opportunities.  Primary among the former is the duty of defending our country.  In every way that our physical and spiritual strength is called for, we must give it unsparingly, as befits the loyalty of Catholic citizens.  Much as we hate war and would avoid it, we have no choice when it is ruthlessly pushed upon us.  There are times when a nation, no less than the individual man, must fight for the right to live.  Such is the present.

In our ranks, there must be no division, no weakness, and no complaining.  Behind our lawfully constituted leaders we must all unite, in a mighty and concerted effort to bring the grim business of this war to a victorious end.

Let there be no illusions about the seriousness of the undertaking.  Without doubt, we shall suffer; we shall suffer cruel losses, not only in property but, what is infinitely worse, in life.  Many of our boys will not come home; they will be called upon to make the supreme sacrifice.  Such suffering, we must offer up to God as a penance.  We must lay our gifts on the altar of patriotism.

Among our special opportunities, those by which we alone are blessed, are the Catholic means of grace.  We owe it to our country to use these means, in presenting our petitions to Almighty God.  Let us, therefore, offer up our prayers at each Mass; let us daily say our rosaries; let us take full advantage of the other Catholic devotions; let us pray that God will save our country in its hour of trial.

It is not without significance that our entry into this war was solemnly declared on the eighth of December, the patronal feast of the United States.  To the Mother of Our Lord, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, we turn our thoughts, asking that she use her powerful intercession on behalf of the nation which has been placed under her protection.

With faith in God, who understands the purity of our motives and the justice of our cause, we pledge anew our devotion to the principles upon which our nation was established.  We resolve, as we declare to the whole world, that our sacred heritage of freedom and democracy shall not be lost.

Praying God’s blessing upon you, I am

Your devoted Shepherd in Christ,


Bishop of Salt Lake

*Gary Topping is a writer and historian living in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is the retired archivist for the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City and has written many books and articles.