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Where is my mind this Advent? 0

By Jean Welch Hill–

Where is my mind this Advent? Is it focused on preparing for Jesus, or preparing for the family celebration? The two are related, but preparing to face God involves a whole different level of soul searching that can be very uncomfortable at times.

Just think for a moment about the Gospel readings during Advent.  Mary, a betrothed virgin, readily agrees to carry the son of God.  Joseph is told his bride is pregnant and he must raise the child of God, to which he agrees. Shortly after birth, an angel tells Joseph to take mother and infant and flee to a foreign land, which they do. Joseph and Mary accept these extraordinary circumstances and willingly enter into relationship with each other and God.

Could I do that? God asks pretty simple things of me, it seems, and I struggle all the time with following his will.  Thankfully, he never seems to hold that against me. Rather, he sends me, and all of us, gentle reminders, such as through the Advent readings.  Think it’s too hard to face the hate mail generated by suggesting that tax reform should focus on the poor, little lamb? Try fleeing to a foreign country because your local leader wants to kill your child.

Despite my best efforts at preparation, I am fairly certain that I will not emerge from Advent a new woman, fully prepared to meet my maker as a good and faithful servant.  I will try my hardest to maintain my focus this Advent, but I also fail regularly.  I think our Lord expects that trajectory for most of us.  Thankfully, he will still love us, still forgive us, and still send us regular reminders that we can do better and should never stop trying.