By Jean Welch Hill Last week, I attended a very frightening presentation from the National Weather Service on climate change and its impacts across our nation and in Utah. Bottom…
By Deacon Scott Dodge– In a recent article for the Sunday Times, “Dark clouds gather over the home of Fakebook,” historian Niall Ferguson noted that the human tendency to…
By Gary Topping– The recent death of Hugh Hefner at age 91 prompts some reflections about the era of supposed sexual liberation over which he presided. It wasn’t just sex:…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Fall is a wonderful time of the year, especially if you are a sports fan. Football teams are playing, soccer season is starting, basketball and hockey…
By Nick Blaylock– I recently reread the story of Joseph in the Old Testament of the Bible. If you are not familiar with the story, please read it (Genesis 37-45)…
By Jean Welch Hill– The mass shooting in Las Vegas left most of us in a state of stunned disbelief. Senseless violence is always a shock, particularly when it results…
By Deacon Scott Dodge– Most days I pray the Rosary either driving to or from work. On weekends I often pray it when I go for a walk. I make…
By Jim Larson– “We need science education to produce scientists, but we need it equally to create literacy in the public… Literacy in science will enrich a person’s life.” …
By Gary Topping– In April, 1963, Dr. King was one of the leaders of demonstrations in Birmingham against Alabama’s segregation laws. Although a judge had issued an order prohibiting such…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Speaking to the United States Congress two years ago in the Fall of 2015, Pope Francis cited Dorothy Day as an American “who shaped fundamental values…