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Can’t Sleep? Sing Like a Monk! 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Sleep eludes us all from time to time. For me, this typically occurs when the stress, worries, and activity of the day seep into the silence…

Rise and Lower With the Tide 0

By George Pence (guest contributor)– My grandmother, Thelma Pence, was a stalwart in a charismatically charged congregation of holy rollers. Yet my parents were more secular people who frequented an…

A Catholic Looks at Christian Science 0

By Gary Topping– One of my grandmothers was a Christian Scientist.  I remember when I was a kid she used to explain it to me and extol its virtues, but…

Love is more important than politics 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Love is one of the most oft-repeated and enduring messages from the Bible. The Twenty Third Psalm poetically illustrates God’s love for us as a cup…

A Few Thoughts on Death 1

By Nick Blaylock– With respects to All Saints Day and All Souls Day… I cannot more respectfully talk about death than by shutting up. We are all becoming part of…

Saints- Average Human Beings Trying to be Better 1

By Jean Welch Hill– Several years ago, I purchased Robert Ellsberg’s All Saints: Daily Reflections on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our Time.  Over the course of the year learning…

Thrills and Chills at the Family Graveyard 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– My family, or at least recent versions of it, includes many wanderers. As a result, the closest thing I have to a family cemetery, a repository…