By Nick Blaylock– Within the Christian heritage, there is a common anxiety about right and wrong, specifically in relation to decision-making. Being that decisions are ever-present, this anxiety can range…
By Gary Topping– The last thing I need to tell our readers is who Stormy Daniels is and why she has been a frequent presence in the news these past…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Pope Francis recently admitted he made a mistake in how he handled allegations that a bishop from Chile had witnessed and tolerated sexual abuse. What does…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien— While sitting quietly at home, in what is fast becoming the evening of my lifetime, I have the solitude to cherish the many profound boyhood hours…
By Gary Topping– Recently it seems that we are getting almost weekly new allegations regarding our President’s shaky commitment to the institution of marriage. All are still in the early…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– At various times in my life, I have been both a Republican and a Democrat. With this bipartisan (some might say confused) background, I read with…
By Gary Topping– This posting is actually about a movie, but I want to begin by recommending a wonderful—and relevant—book: Philip Jenkins, The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice (Oxford,…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Florence is a lovely place to visit anytime of the year. Being in Italy during Easter five years ago with my whole family, however, was unforgettable.…
By Gary Topping– Since the very early years of Christianity, the religious life has been considered a model for all Christians, the most perfect Christian way of life possible outside…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– For years, on Holy Thursday, I have watched the commemoration of the Last Supper, including the washing of the feet, when the local Catholic priest re-enacts…