By Michael Patrick O’Brien– My neighbor Herman Spiegel always seemed like a regular guy. Retired from engineering work, he shot balls into his front yard basketball hoop. He loved to…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– They called her Little Bird. Why? I had assumed it was because cruel fate required that they-her parents and her two younger brothers-tend to her persistently.…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Two Utah monks I knew from the old Huntsville monastery, Father Malachy Flaherty and Brother Nicholas Prinster, recently passed away and each was buried in a…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– In a shady grove at the Shaarey Tzedek (“Gates of Righteousness”) cemetery in the foothills of Salt Lake City, I placed a small red rock on…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien– (Stalker: a person who pursues someone stealthily- I have come to believe it is possible to be stalked and shadowed by someone who has been…
By Guest Contributor Father David Altman, O.C.S.O.– (Editor Note: this is the eulogy delivered on June 23, 2018 for Brother Nicholas (February 17, 1927 – June 18, 2018) by his…
By Gary Topping– The best wisdom I can contribute to this blog—perhaps all the wisdom—is what I glean from others whose intelligence, eloquence and spirituality attract my attention. Going through…
By Michael Patrick O’Brien I am not well known for making blueberry pies. In fact, prior to July 3, 2017, I never made even one, which is why I am…
By Gary Topping– For me, one of the pleasures of subscribing to the Deseret News (my online subscription sets me back a whopping $3.64 a month) is Michael Gerson’s syndicated…
By Cardinal Vincent Nichols (Guest Contributor)– (Editor’s note: I was attending mass in Chelsea, London, England on June 24, 2018 when the presiding priest read this pastoral letter. I enjoyed…