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The Gospel According to Gia 0

By George E. Pence III– Something we own, is it truly ours? Something we give away, was it ever truly ours to give? I am on the sunny side of…

A drum beat for religious liberty in Utah thirty years ago 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Thirty years ago this month, a Utah court battle took center stage in the ongoing fight for religious liberty. The case was memorable for many reasons,…

The Furnace 0

By George E. Pence III– As the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace, so in tribulation is the test of the just. Sometimes during the readings…

An Advertisement for the Book of Tobit 0

By Gary Topping– I’d wager that the book of Tobit is one of the least-read books in the Bible.  Protestants don’t even have it in theirs, and as little as…

Irish Going Strong, Says the Good Fairy 0

By Don O’Brien (*Blog Editor’s note: this article was first published in the Burlington Free Press on 3/17/1950.) ’Tis a curious tale the White Thatch has for you this day…

Listening to Michael Cohen 0

By Gary Topping– Like many Americans, I was transfixed recently by Michael Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee.  I didn’t listen to the live testimony as my wife and…

Middlebury monuments- the poet and the pastor 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien Growing up in a divorced family, without a father, I still had many father-like figures. Two of them died before I was born, a poet and…

Arguing About Religion 0

By Gary Topping– My friend and fellow blogger George Pence recently turned me on to Bishop Robert Barron, whose “Word on Fire” ministry has made him an apostle of social…