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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

On New Years Resolutions 0

By Gary Topping– “And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.’” Luke 5:4 RSV We…

Money and A Wonderful Life 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– In one of my favorite scenes from the beloved holiday film It’s a Wonderful Life, George Bailey and his guardian angel Clarence Oddbody discuss how Clarence…

Ideas for Next Christmas 1

By George Pence– Christmas is my favorite holiday, and when I was young that preference was broadly shared in American culture, but how about today? On the day before Christmas…

What Happens When the Christmas Baby Grows Up? 1

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– I truly do love Christmas. It is easy to love Christmas, I think, even for non-Christians. The simple tale of a baby born in humble settings,…

Where is my mind this Advent? 0

By Jean Welch Hill– Where is my mind this Advent? Is it focused on preparing for Jesus, or preparing for the family celebration? The two are related, but preparing to…

Advent and Preparation 0

By Gary Topping– I’m not a winter person. “So why did you stay in Utah?” one of my friends asks, knowing that I’m not a Utah native.  Well, I said,…

He is Coming, Always. 0

By George Pence– (Editorial note: This week The Boy Monk’s regular contributors all address the theme of Advent, a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to welcoming…

I Return Here to Listen 2

By George Pence– There is no town more perfectly named than Echo, Utah. A century ago it had a population numbered in hundreds. Now its residual population is perhaps twenty…