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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

The Eighth Grade in Revolt 0

By Gary Topping– Apparently it’s as true for priests as it is for the rest of us: you can’t please everybody.  I think almost any priest will tell you that…

My Utah Hometown Contribution to Irish-Catholic History 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– We do not often think of Ogden, Utah, as a significant source of Irish culture or of Catholic history. Yet, during St. Patrick’s month (March), I…

Who, or What, is a Christian? 0

By Gary Topping– The recent death of the Reverend Billy Graham, by far the most prominent Evangelical Christian of my generation, has me thinking about the relationships among the various…

Just as I am 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Stout Irish Catholics that we always were in the family of my boyhood, you may be surprised to learn about my mother’s great interest in watching…

How to Find God During Lent 0

By Gary Topping– Don’t try so hard.  That’s my piece of unconventional wisdom (if it even turns out to be that) for this week. We’re all aware of several places…

Crusts of Wisdom from Dorothy Day 1

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– I recently re-read Dorothy Day’s autobiography The Long Loneliness (1952 Harper & Row New York). I had not read it for about 35 years, since college…

Confessions of a Catholic Who Stayed 0

By Gary Topping– (Editor note: All this week, our regular bloggers are considering, and writing about, the question of why belong to a religion when the fastest growing demographic is…

Catholic Church Voices Needed at Utah Legislature re: Life 0

By Jean Welch Hill– (Editor note: All this week, our regular bloggers are considering, and writing about, the question of why belong to a religion when the fastest growing demographic…