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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

“No saints work here.” 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– The durm and strang of the abuse scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church during the past two decades have caused, unfortunately, some to overlook or…

Remembering Holy Week in Chimayo 0

By Gary Topping– Chimayo is a small village in the New Mexico highlands about thirty miles northeast of Santa Fe.  Calling it a village is actually a bit of a…

The Ecumenical Great Soul 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– After our recent trip to London, I am reading a fascinating book by historian William Manchester about the early life and middle career of Winston Churchill.…

Dining With Sarah Sanders 0

By Gary Topping– In the current issue of America magazine, Fr. Sam Sawyer, S.J. poses the question, “Would Jesus eat with Sarah Sanders”?  He is referring, of course, to a…

My neighbor survived the Holocaust 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– My neighbor Herman Spiegel always seemed like a regular guy. Retired from engineering work, he shot balls into his front yard basketball hoop. He loved to…

The Little Bird 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– They called her Little Bird. Why? I had assumed it was because cruel fate required that they-her parents and her two younger brothers-tend to her persistently.…

If Jews had saints… 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– In a shady grove at the Shaarey Tzedek (“Gates of Righteousness”) cemetery in the foothills of Salt Lake City, I placed a small red rock on…

My stalker Thomas More 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– (Stalker: a person who pursues someone stealthily- I have come to believe it is possible to be stalked and shadowed by someone who has been…