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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Easter 2020: Hope grows with the roses 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Some unexpected graces have charmed my diligent efforts to comply with our governor’s stay-at-home and work-at-home coronavirus directives. They are the rose bushes growing just outside…

A Practical Joke Gone Awry 0

By Gary Topping– I grew up on the southern Oregon coast where, so it seems, it rains about three hundred days a year.  A high school friend once ventured the…

Don’t ever have to cut it cuz it stops by itself 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Hair! I’ve had a strange and wonderful relationship with it. My hair is wonderful, but I have this strange internal conflict about its proper length. Early…

The Janove 9 Question Interviews: Leadership Coach Frank Wagner 1

By Jathan Janove (Guest Contributor)– Along with New York Times bestselling author Marshall Goldsmith and Chris Coffey, Frank Wagner created Stakeholder Centered Coaching, one of the most successful and widespread…

Will we live longer than our parents? 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– It’s a common question. I heard my mother ask it and my older brother too. As I get older, I better understand why they asked it.…

The Janove 9 Question Interviews: Utah Artist Suzanne Tornquist 0

By Jathan Janove (Guest Contributor)– My longtime, close friend Suzanne Tornquist is a virtuoso artist. (You can see her work at: When we visit Salt Lake City, my wife…

The Janove 9 Question Interviews: My Cousins Steffi & Paul 0

By Jathan Janove (Guest Contributor)– My cousins Steffi and Paul have long since been retired. Yet, you wouldn’t get a sense of that from how busy they keep themselves, including…

Quarantine Reading: The Decameron 0

By Gary Topping– Ever since the onset of the corona virus, when health officials began recommending closure of businesses, cancellation of large gatherings, and voluntary quarantines, I have been thinking…

Afraid of the light 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– It is the classic movie scene of the apocalypse film genre—tall buildings, intact but abandoned, on a deserted street, where the only sound or sign of…