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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

My Potato Roots 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Some folks might be annoyed or confused to find 20 lbs. of potatoes piled on their desk. I was delighted, and ate every single one of…

My Favorite Cathedral Memory 1

By Gary Topping– Part of the charm of Europe’s great medieval churches is that in most cases, with the primitive technology available, they took several centuries to build.  During that…

Stone wall skin and stained glass bones 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Human mortality decrees that we never meet the majority of our relatives in real time, in the flesh and blood. We must find other ways to…

The More Things Change. . . 0

By Gary Topping– As blogger-in-chief Mike O’Brien eloquently sketched for us this week, change is a constant part of Catholic history (see: The Catholic Church–a history of change).  It’s a…

The Catholic Church—a history of change 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– During lunch a few months ago with my friends the Utah Trappist monks, we discussed how the Catholic Church had changed during their long lifetimes. After…

The Wife Traps 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– My dear wife Vicki is one of the kindest persons I know. That’s why I scratch my head trying to figure out why she sets traps…

Behind the Scenes Olympians 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– When watching the Winter Olympics on television every four years, I try to remember all the hard work that unknown people do behind the scenes to…