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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

The Divine Nap 1

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– A most memorable, but embarrassing, chapter of my childhood is that time when I told my mother I hated pre-school nap hour. She sent in a…

The Days of ‘47: A place for Catholics too 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– For many years, I thought Catholics had no role in the Days of ‘47, the annual Utah celebration of the arrival of the Mormon pioneers in…

The Wisdom of the Mountain Valley 1

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– In 1960, the famous Kentucky monk/writer Thomas Merton and New Directions published a book called The Wisdom of the Desert, a collection of sayings from the…

Some Reflections on Simple Faith 1

By Gary Topping– In my idle moments—which, nowadays in my retirement, seem to be plentiful—I sometimes go to YouTube.  You never know what’s going to come up, from the most…

The Velveteen Daughter 2

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– Fifty years ago, I stumbled upon a book now a hundred years old that I expect my daughter and I will continue to love together, for…

You probably said a little prayer today 0

By Michael Patrick O’Brien– One of the most popular songs when I was growing up, surprisingly, was about prayer. Burt Bacharach wrote it, and both Dionne Warwick and Aretha Franklin…